Health professionals
If you work at any of the b-on member institutions, you have access to academic peer reviewed full text content.
b-on provides the health professionals working on subscriber hospitals access to scientific titles and e-books from some of the most relevant content providers, through a subscription negotiated at the national level.
Check the subscribed collections here.
Remote access is possible via:
• Proxy;
• VPN – Virtual Private Network.
These services must be ensured by each subscribing institution.
You can, form the comfort of your residence, search, create, and manage you personal account, access to lists of content. If one of the remote access options is available to you, full text access is also available. You can create alerts and group-share content, useful in your professional activity.
In case your institution is not yet a b-on member, and you would like it to be, ask your library manager to contact us.