Join b-on

In this area you will find information on requirements, procedures and costs associated with b-on’s membership. For an institution to join b-on it must satisfy two requirements: one concerning its type and another of a technical nature.

Type of institution

b-on may be joined by institutions of the following types:

• Higher education institutions;
• Research and Development institutions;
• Public administration;
• Non for profit institutions;
• Hospitals

Technical requirement

Institutions interested in joining b-on must have a fixed IP address.


Step 1

In order to determine the value to be paid please fill the Compliant Entity Data Form. Send it to You will be briefly informed of the membership value.

Step 2

If you accept the value and intend to join b-on please send us a new email with that information.

Step 3

In order to complete the membership process, b-on will send your institution the accession protocol.