Royal Society of Chemistry – publishing conditions 2025

- Eligibility
- Responsible corresponding author affiliated to a b-on member institution with access to RSC 1on article acceptance;
- Eligible article types: no restrictions;
- Article accepted for publication after the effective date of agreement, before December 31st 2025;
- Publication route
- Hybrid journals: up to 60 articles in 2025 in RSC’s hybrid journals;
- GOA Journals: not included in this agreement.
- How to benefit from OA conditions:
- Submit the article;
- Declare institutional affiliation;
- On acceptance, the publisher notifies the author of the eligibility for open access publication under the b-on agreement;
- Follow the OA workflow steps and chose the adequate publishing license to complete the publication process on the publisher’s platform2.
1 Members that subscribe the all for all hospital package are not included;
2 In cases where the eligibility cannot be approved, the authors have the choice to publish the article behind a paywall or in open access and covering the associated APC;